Johnson Fitness & Wellness Blog
weight loss Articles
Reaching a Fitness Plateau
We’ve all been there. Whether we’re trying to lose weight, add muscle, or even develop a new skill, we hit that point in our progress where everything seems to stall. Do any of these sound familiar? “I’ve been losing a little bit of weight each week for months, and yet I’ve been stuck the past […]
The Glycemic Index: What you should know
Your body is full of delicate balancing acts. Different chemicals are constantly competing to counteract each other and keep things running smoothly, in a process clinically known as homeostasis. This ability to self-regulate allows our bodies to maintain a healthy temperature, blood pressure and water levels. Another important example of homeostasis that has been receiving […]
Understanding your Metabolism
Article by: People who are overweight or prone to gaining weight easily sometimes blame a slow metabolism for their bodies not expending calories quickly. But before pointing the finger at your metabolism, you should understand exactly what it is, what affects it and how you can raise it. When most people talk about metabolism, […]