Johnson Fitness & Wellness Blog

yoga Articles


Selecting the Yoga Practice That’s Right for You

With so many styles and benefits of yoga available, sorting out the yin from the yang and the power from restorative can be pretty daunting. Looking for a little guidance on finding the right fit for your first class? Here’s an overview of some of the benefits of yoga as well as the styles that will emphasize […]


Ask an Expert: Planking Basics

I’ve been hearing a lot about the benefits of planking lately, but it intimidates me. Can you share some tips on how to ease my way into the exercise and different variations to get started? –Nicole Challenging most of the major muscle groups and requiring no equipment, planking is one exercise that can benefit nearly any […]


Simple yoga moves for morning and evening

Nothing beats the energy of a group class coupled with the instruction of a knowledgeable teacher–but attending a daily yoga class is out of the question for most. However, just by investing a short block of time in the morning or evening, you’ll find that fitting in a short practice that will provide you with […]