Johnson Fitness & Wellness Blog


6 Amazing Elliptical Benefits Every Runner Needs To Know


6 Amazing Elliptical Benefits Every Runner Needs To Know (Video)

The elliptical is like a little black dress, as it goes with everything, compliments your running routine, and will help you look, feel and perform at your best. It’s one of my favorite cross-training tools for runners for the following six reasons. Did you know that there are many elliptical benefits for runners? Elliptical Benefits […]

Low Carb Almond Snack Recipe


How to Crush Carb Cravings with a Heart-Healthy Almond Snack Recipe

February is heart month, and I have a special place in my heart for this occasion. (See what I did there?) My dad has suffered from a heart condition called Atrial Fibrillation since I was in middle school. It was pretty scary growing up knowing that he had such a serious issue, and he has since had surgeries […]

The Surprising Truth About Dog Walking and Your Health


The Surprising Truth About Dog Walking and Your Health

We all know that pets can contribute tremendously to our happiness for a number of reasons. Not only to they bring joy into our lives, but by making sure they get enough activity, we also meet our own needs for movement. But is it enough? If you walk your dog for 30 minutes a day […]



The Enormous Benefit of Exercise — More Than You Think! (Infographic)

Want better sleep? More energy? Regular cardio exercise of at least 150 minutes a week benefits your heart, but that’s not all. Take a look at how it affects your entire body from your brain, skin and blood to your lungs and muscles. Exercise is imperative for a healthy heart, and a healthy life! Read […]

Pallof Press


Why the Pallof Press is the Ideal Way to Build a Stronger Core

Next up in my “Exercises You Should Be Doing” series is the Pallof Press. When done correctly, you’ll quickly see why this exercise is an ideal way to train the core area of the body. What makes this movement one of the very best core strengthening exercises is that, unlike the typical crunches and leg […]

My Number 1 Goal is to Stop Being Dehydrated, Here’s Why.


My #1 Goal is to Stop Being Dehydrated, Here’s Why

As a Nutritional Therapist, I spend a great deal of time thinking about and learning about nutrients. It all fascinates me. Going through school, one of the most shocking things I learned was that water is a nutrient. We think about Vitamin C or Protein (for example) as being nutrients, but we rarely think about […]

How to Improve School Performance with Extra Recess


How to Improve School Performance with Extra Recess

Did you hear the news flash? A groundbreaking study in Texas is showing that kids are less distracted during the school day and actually perform better academically when they spend more time at recess. It’s being called “The Texas Approach” and is modeled after a trend in Finland, which is consistently ranked as one of […]

This is how you run your best marathon


This Is How You Run Your Best Marathon

You’ve run a marathon, and now you have the endurance bug and you want to improve your finish time! If this is your case, you’ve come to the right place. Here is a 20 Week Training Plan for how to run your best marathon. The Faster Marathon Training Schedule is designed for those that have […]

Biking workouts


How to Increase Fitness with Simple Indoor Bike Workouts

Are you looking for a way to dramatically increase your fitness with a piece of home exercise equipment? Owning an indoor cycle is a great way to do just that. Exercise bikes are among the most popular and fun pieces of home exercise equipment. While they offer a low impact workout for all levels of […]


Treadmill Reviews

Treadmill Buying: 5 Tips You Need to Know

It’s no secret that treadmills are one of the most popular pieces of home fitness equipment. While many fitness fads have come and gone, the treadmill has stood the test of time and proven itself as the king of home fitness! So what makes the treadmill such a great choice when it comes to home […]

Training Plan Marathon


How to Train for Your First Marathon

Here’s exactly what you need to do to prepare your body and mind for the challenge of running your first marathon. Download this free 20-week training plan.

Band Resisted Lateral Walk


How to Work Your Glutes with a Resistance Band

Next up in my “Exercises You Should Be Doing” series is a Resistance Band Exercise for Glutes: the Band Resisted Lateral Walk. While a lateral walk may not sound like much of an exercise, once you throw a mini resistance band into the equation you’ll see – or should I say feel – why this move […]

Train for a faster half marathon


How to Train for Your Fastest Half Marathon

You’ve run a half marathon and now you’ve got the bug and want to improve your finish time. Excellent, you’re in the right place. The Faster Half Marathon Training Schedule is designed to those that have run at least one half marathon, and want to build on their fitness and improve their time. It’s also […]

How to train for your first half marathon


How to Train for Your First Half Marathon

You’re all signed up for your first half marathon! Now it’s time to prepare your body and mind for the challenge ahead. This half marathon program is geared to those who want to train for their first half marathon, and who have been running at least 3-4 miles three times per week. If you’re running […]


How to Increase Fitness with Simple Home Treadmill Workouts

Are you considering owning a treadmill? While a treadmill may be the most basic piece of cardio equipment, their impact on your workouts is anything but. A treadmill can be used for everything from high intensity interval training (HIIT) that will help you to lose weight fast to easy walks and lower impact jogging on […]


The Ultimate Showdown: Strength vs. Cardio Training

Strength training or cardio: what’s better for fat loss? Or overall health? You might be surprised to find the answer. Learn how to optimize your workout routine for your goals.