Did you hear the news flash? A groundbreaking study in Texas is showing that kids are less distracted during the school day and actually perform better academically when they spend more time at recess. It’s being called “The Texas Approach” and is modeled after a trend in Finland, which is consistently ranked as one of the top countries for academic performance. Most schools in the U.S. schedule only 27 minutes for recess, but Finland, and now some schools in Texas, send their kids outside for 60 minutes of unstructured play a day.
As a proud sponsor of PHIT America, Johnson Health Tech is thrilled to see this study and how it supports PHIT America’s mission for getting kids more active. While studies like this are promising, it may be quite a while until the rest of the nation catches up. Let’s all commit to getting ourselves and our families to move more — because regular breaks for physical activity are not only fun, but critical for our health.
Read more about how active kids are not only healthier, they are smarter, too.