Johnson Fitness & Wellness Blog

exercise Articles


Spring Workout Roundup

The changing of seasons can mean different things to different people depending on what part of the country you call home, but it’s a good chance for everyone to pause and refocus their energy on the fitness goals that are important to them. This can mean learning to run, improving a 5K race time, motivating loved ones, or simply […]


Ask an Expert: Running Pace

Question: The whole idea of “running pace” is foreign to me–I’m a new runner! However, I read a lot about it in magazines and hear about it at local races from my friends. Can you help me better understand what it is so I can apply it to my running when I’m ready? — Michele […]


Ask an Expert: Fitness Advice for Busy Parents

Q: Do you have any advice for busy parents who want to make fitness a priority? I feel like I’m struggling to fit everything in—eat right, exercise, keep up with my kids, etc. But with work, after school activities and our weekend obligations, I’m finding myself struggling to even get the laundry done. Good for […]



Rest stop fitness: Easy workouts while traveling

Travel is a mainstay in my personal and professional life so if I want to practice what I preach, I have to find creative ways to get in exercise when I’m on the road. I’ll admit, at first, it seemed overwhelming because I wasn’t able to duplicate my home routine. The secret to my on […]

Nutrition & Diet

Heart Disease, Diabetes, Body Weight and Genetics

We have known for years (decades really) that individuals that are overweight or obese are far more likely to develop Type 2 Diabetes than those that are leaner or “skinny”. Clearly, there is much truth to that statement but some new genetic research has identified a gene known as IRS1 that is linked not only […]