Johnson Fitness & Wellness Blog



Meet Joli Guenther

Take a moment to meet one of our Horizon Fitness expert bloggers, Joli Guenther! Joli is a certified personal trainer, yoga instructor and clinical social worker practicing in and around Madison, Wisconsin. She especially loves working with clients on holistic health issues, work-life balance, and fitness for joy and function in daily life. When not […]


Ask an Expert: Motivating Others

Question: I’ve recently started a new fitness routine, but my friend has been more reluctant. How do I go about motivating others around me to be active, too? Congratulations on your enthusiasm for sharing your new fitness program! While you’re excited about the benefits of your routine, you’ve already realized that different factors motivate different […]


Selecting the Yoga Practice That’s Right for You

With so many styles and benefits of yoga available, sorting out the yin from the yang and the power from restorative can be pretty daunting. Looking for a little guidance on finding the right fit for your first class? Here’s an overview of some of the benefits of yoga as well as the styles that will emphasize […]


Meet Coach Jenny Hadfield

Take a moment to meet one of our Horizon Fitness expert bloggers, Coach Jenny Hadfield! Coach Jenny is a published author (her books include Marathoning for Mortals, Running for Mortals, and Training for Mortals), a coach, public speaker and endurance athlete. She has a Bachelor’s degree in Exercise Physiology, a Master’s Degree in Exercise Science […]


Understanding Heart Rate

After running shoes and a source to play music, a heart rate monitor is usually the first piece of equipment runners add to their workouts. If you aren’t using one now, you’ve most likely at least played with them in the past, calculating whether you’re working too hard or not hard enough, estimating your total […]


Reaching a Fitness Plateau

We’ve all been there. Whether we’re trying to lose weight, add muscle, or even develop a new skill, we hit that point in our progress where everything seems to stall. Do any of these sound familiar? “I’ve been losing a little bit of weight each week for months, and yet I’ve been stuck the past […]


Technology to Inspire Your Workout Routines

Stuck in a workout rut? Don’t panic. Everyone has been at one time or another. If you are wondering where to start, why not let technology give you a hand? Try a few of these tips to give your workout routines a new life: Recruit a Buddy. Whether you meet up in person or use an […]


Passport Media Player

What if you could run through the American Southwest or Northern Italy any time you stepped on your treadmill? Or cycle through an Alpine meadow without leaving your living room? With the Passport Media Player, featuring Virtual Active technology, you can! Passport makes every workout an adventure. With high-definition destination footage and coordinated ambient sounds, […]


Exercise During Pregnancy

As a part of your prenatal care, your doctor has probably already talked to you about the importance of exercising during pregnancy. Benefits include everything from better sleep and improved mood to an easier birth and better outcomes for you and baby. Even if you weren’t regularly exercising before pregnancy, you can still start a simple program […]


Consistency in Workouts

Working hard, eating right, having a plan and doing one thing every day that will get you closer to who you want to be is a fool-proof way to improve your health. However, the fitness industry tends to not be upfront about this, instead promising quick fixes and overnight results. For example, I learned this past year […]


Simple Recommendations for a Healthier Heart

February is American Heart Month in the United States, aimed at bringing attention to a national effort to prevent one million heart attacks in the United States. Simple choices in diet and exercise can have a substantial impact on your overall heart health by improving overall cardiovascular function and decreasing cholesterol and tri-glyceride levels. For […]


Ask an Expert: Fitness for New Moms

Question: As a new mom, there are days I can barely get a shower, let alone eat right and exercise. Do you have any tricks to help me lose the baby weight, while still caring for my newborn? — Julia Congratulations on your new family member! While it may seem like the baby weight takes forever to […]


Running to Relax

In addition to the fitness benefits of running, many use it as a way to unwind, relax and focus. Lace up your shoes, head out, and before you know it, you’ve created your to-do list, made dinner plans and decided to ask your boss for a raise. While this free-flow of thoughts can keep our […]


Post Workout Soreness (or DOMS)

The term “Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness” (or DOMS) is usually seen as the bane of new exercisers, but even experienced athletes know that changing up your workout routine or intensity can result in some serious pain for the next few days. If you’re recovering from your first tough workout, you might be wondering how to […]


Five Benefits of Pool Workouts

While triathletes already understand the benefits of a pool to balance out workouts, nearly all of us can benefit from including pool workouts in our training schedules. You can always head for open water during the warm months of the year, but most communities also have more convenient options year round. Check around for a […]


Ask an Expert: Staying Motivated

At the beginning of every year I hit the ground running, only to struggle with my workouts a few weeks later. Do you have any tips on staying motivated through the winter? -Meghan Congratulations on your strong start for the year! To keep your fitness efforts strong this winter (and continue rolling throughout the year) there […]