Author Archives: admin


Question: I’m training for my first half marathon and I’m surprised at this point that I haven’t felt “runner’s high.” What does it take to get to that point where you can run forever? Answer: All good things in fitness are earned, but just because you haven’t felt your runner’s high, doesn’t mean you can’t […]


Let’s face it, the summer months can be brutal when it comes to your fitness routine! Not only do you have the constant temptations of picnics, vacations, festivals, etc., but throw in some good, hot steamy weather and you have a recipe for disaster when it comes to added weight and lack of motivation. But […]


For the best workout foods outside of your workout fueling and immediate recovery window, you need to maximize micro-nutrients for overall health and long term muscle recovery, as well as include plenty of protein and produce to support muscle building and your immune system around the clock. Start working these powerhouses into your meal prep […]


Whether you’re in love with functional fitness or admit it’s the sport you love to hate, you can’t deny its impact on today’s approach to physical training. Functional fitness provides constantly varied movements at a high intensity (this can be scaled for all levels) to ensure that by not specializing in one specific movement or […]


Whether you’ve decided to participate in a local gym or make use of the extensive on-line Community, functional fitness provides powerful workouts to take your training to the next level. The style of workout is designed to push you to your limits, while remaining scalable for all levels of fitness. Assuming you’ve done your preparation through […]


The mind is an effective tool when you know how unleash its power. This is especially important when you’re challenging yourself in a hard workout, or pushing in a race. Managing your mind is just as important as training your body, because the minute your thoughts go south, it affects everything from your how your […]


You did it! You committed to run a race. You got up early and trained tenaciously. And you finished your race! Now what? It’s common to feel a little down after a race. I call it Post Race Syndrome, or an emotional condition that sets in after you finish reaching a goal. You spend weeks […]


Although running is an independent sport, when done in a social environment, whether with your buddy or a group, it can be highly beneficial. Here are five reasons to grab a buddy or join a group on your next run. Accountability Have you ever set your alarm for 5am with the best intentions of getting […]


More than any other age group, one size does not fit all when it comes to creating a training plan for older adults. While we can all give examples of phenomenal athletes who continue to compete into their seventh decade (and beyond), many of us are more concerned with continuing our daily activities and avoiding […]


Product Review: Passport Player with Virtual Active Technology The interactive workouts of the future are today’s reality. Virtual Active technology provides the experience of exercising in a beautiful setting with a changing terrain that mimics selected workouts. The Passport Media Player by Horizon Fitness offers a convenient and responsive way to experience Virtual Active Technology […]

Coaching, Elliptical Workouts

The elliptical machine is one of my favorite modes for both my personal training and as well as my training clients. It’s like the little black dress – it goes with everything and it’s multi-functional. I’ve been using my Horizon Elite Elliptical this summer to train to climb Mt. Rainier. I use the Peak Interval […]


Your core muscles work to stabilize the spine and hips and include the abdomen, back, glutes and upper legs. A strong core is key to improving your mobility, balance, posture and strength. Most of us think crunches and other exercises done while lying in a supine position are best for increasing core strength. This is […]


How did you know when you had truly become a runner? I’m working on running but I’m wondering what it will take to feel like I am a real runner? ~ Tiffany The moment I became a runner in my mind was the moment I finished my first 5K. Up until that point, I felt […]