
The Surprising Truth About Dog Walking and Your Health

The Surprising Truth About Dog Walking and Your Health

We all know that pets can contribute tremendously to our happiness for a number of reasons. Not only to they bring joy into our lives, but by making sure they get enough activity, we also meet our own needs for movement. But is it enough? If you walk your dog for 30 minutes a day […]


The Enormous Benefit of Exercise — More Than You Think! (Infographic)

Want better sleep? More energy? Regular cardio exercise of at least 150 minutes a week benefits your heart, but that’s not all. Take a look at how it affects your entire body from your brain, skin and blood to your lungs and muscles. Exercise is imperative for a healthy heart, and a healthy life! Read […]

My Number 1 Goal is to Stop Being Dehydrated, Here’s Why.

My #1 Goal is to Stop Being Dehydrated, Here’s Why

As a Nutritional Therapist, I spend a great deal of time thinking about and learning about nutrients. It all fascinates me. Going through school, one of the most shocking things I learned was that water is a nutrient. We think about Vitamin C or Protein (for example) as being nutrients, but we rarely think about […]

How to Improve School Performance with Extra Recess

How to Improve School Performance with Extra Recess

Did you hear the news flash? A groundbreaking study in Texas is showing that kids are less distracted during the school day and actually perform better academically when they spend more time at recess. It’s being called “The Texas Approach” and is modeled after a trend in Finland, which is consistently ranked as one of […]

Treadmill Reviews

Treadmill Buying: 5 Tips You Need to Know

It’s no secret that treadmills are one of the most popular pieces of home fitness equipment. While many fitness fads have come and gone, the treadmill has stood the test of time and proven itself as the king of home fitness! So what makes the treadmill such a great choice when it comes to home […]

Yoga Poses to Prevent Low Back Pain

Yoga Poses to Prevent Low Back Pain

To avoid low back pain, the demands of running require a strong core, good spinal mobility, and open hips and sacral joints. Adding these yoga postures into your running cool-down or including them in your active recovery workouts will build the strength and flexibility that is needed to maintain and efficient running form and avoid […]

Yoga Poses for Runners

7 Yoga Poses To Help You Recover From Low Back Pain

The first portion of this blog series focused on rehabilitative postures to lengthen and open places that cause pain in the low back. When your muscles and fascia have open and aligned sufficiently to release compression, the phase of recovery is directed at maintaining that healthy position while introducing movement. This trains your body to […]

Stop Low Back Pain with These Yoga Moves Especially for Runners

Stop Low Back Pain with These Yoga Moves Especially for Runners

If your low back is aching, you’re not alone. Approximately 80% of the population experiences low back pain at some point. Runners can be especially challenged by low back issues for many reasons, including the core stabilization required to hold the spine in a healthy position during running, as well as the tightness that running […]

Self-Care is important for your mental health

Mental Health Series: Why Self-Care is Important

The classic struggle It’s the classic struggle of finding balance between work and life. While we know that we need to recharge, it’s easy to feel like a hero when we spend all of our time working and caring for others. Our American ideals of hard work and emphasis on achievement make it easy to […]

Barre Workouts You Can Do At Home

Barre Workouts You Can Do At Home: Part II

In Part I of this series, Joli explained the benefits and history of Barre workouts. Here she gives us a basic workout you can start doing at home today. The “fold-over” series Adding barre exercises to your home workouts is a powerful way to specifically target the glutes and core. Barre instructor and international instructor, […]

Barre workouts you can do at home

Barre Workouts You Can Do At Home: Part I

One of the hottest trends in fitness right now is a fresh take on an old classic … barre workouts. Offered by boutique studios around the country, these workouts emphasize precision and the development of long, lean muscle by building on the techniques of yoga, pilates, and dance. Using a few simple props and the […]

Elliptical Workouts

How to Recover from an Injury and Maintain Fitness Using the Elliptical

When aches and pains cross our path, it’s easy to think our fitness will be lost as we heal, but in many cases, we can maintain and recover efficiently by employing a new paradigm of training called active recovery. Healing from knee pain. Take Emily, for example. She was training for her first half marathon […]

How To Stay Fit Into Your Seventh Decade And Beyond

How To Stay Fit Into Your Seventh Decade And Beyond

More than any other age group, one size does not fit all when it comes to creating a training plan for older adults. While we can all give examples of phenomenal athletes who continue to compete into their seventh decade (and beyond), many of us are more concerned with continuing our daily activities and avoiding […]


The Answer To A Mom’s Question: How To Do Yoga With A Three-Year Old?

Question: I recently started taking a yoga class for active recovery and love how it makes me feel. I’d like to share yoga with my three year old daughter, but I don’t know where to start. Do you have any tips on practicing yoga with small children? Answer: I’m so glad to hear that you’re […]


Beat the Slouch

You’ve probably all heard the buzz about the dangers of prolonged sitting and the scary headlines like, “sitting is the new smoking.” While it’s true that long periods of sitting can have some very negative effects on your body over time, the fact is that we often HAVE to sit because of our jobs. One […]


Ask and Expert: Yoga for Better Sleep

Question: I’ve recently started a weekly yoga class and love how relaxed and focused I feel after class and during my runs. I’d like to start an evening practice at home. Do you have any suggestions for yoga postures that will help me to sleep better at night? Thank you for taking the time to share […]