
Staying healthy on vacation

Vacation can be a welcome break from the routines of everyday life. Unfortunately, it often also means a break from the beneficial routines of diet and exercise that you’ve worked hard to build. The desire to take it easy may make exercise seem unappealing, or it could just be difficult to fit it into your schedule with all of the other things you want to see and do. Similarly, your inclination while vacationing may be to indulge in foods you’d never eat at home. With all these pressures working against you, how can you maintain a healthy lifestyle and still enjoy your vacation?

Plan Ahead

When it comes to keeping up your fitness routine on vacation, a little planning can go a long way. Will your hotel have a gym or does it offer access to a local health club? A quick search online will also help you find parks with walking or hiking trails so you can still enjoy the scenery while staying on the move. If you won’t be able to get to a gym and want to work in some strength training, consider bringing lightweight equipment like resistance bands with you. With some creativity, you may also be able to use the hotel furniture for body weight exercises like tricep dips.

Keep It Positive

Your mindset toward exercise will also have a powerful impact on your activity level while on vacation. Try to think of that morning run as a way to kickstart your day and enjoy the area, rather than an interruption to your vacation. If you find that you just don’t have the motivation for formal exercise while on vacation, it may help you to think in terms of activity rather than exercise. Take a bike tour around the local city or hike through the local parks. Bringing a pedometer with you will help give you an added sense of accomplishment, while still allowing you to enjoy your time off. Shoot for the 10,000 steps per day recommended by the American Heart Association over the course of your daily activities.

Everything In Moderation

There’s something about eating out at a restaurant that fills us with the impulse to gorge ourselves. Resist that impulse and try to focus on making healthy decisions when it comes to both the size and content of your meal. It is important, though, that you order healthy foods that are genuinely appetizing and not just out of a sense of duty. This will stop you from feeling as though you’re depriving yourself and being ultimately unhappy with your otherwise healthy decisions. An unfortunate part of the vacation mindset is the idea that you should celebrate by eating at every opportunity. Eat only when you’re hungry and stop eating when you’re comfortable rather than stuffed to the brim. Don’t feel like this means that you can’t treat yourself, but keep in mind the need for moderation. Allow yourself one decent treat per day and sample these foods rather than feasting on them. What tips have helped you stay healthy on vacation? Please share them in the comments.


http://www.shape.com/fitness/workouts/4-ways-stay-fit-vacation http://women.webmd.com/features/vacation-eating?page=2