Author Archives: admin


If you’ve ever used any piece of cardio training equipment you’ve seen it: the “heart rate zone chart.” This handy reference tool provides you with some research-based general guidelines for where to keep your heart rate to achieve specific fitness goals. The target zone for most people, and the focus of most exercise programs, is […]


Sweat is one of those aspects of exercise, along with exhaustion and muscle soreness, that we just learn to live with, as much as we may dislike it. Some people, though, learn to embrace sweat. For these exercisers, sweat is a sign that they’re doing something right, that they’re releasing toxins and burning off all […]


Although we all know it’s a good idea to mix flexibility training in with our cardio workouts, many runners are in the dark about how to get the most from their stretching sessions. Physical benefits of a consistent stretching routine include improved performance, reduced injury and muscle soreness and a better transition to post-workout activities. […]


A few years ago, I realized I was spending a good chunk of my income on fitness. Between my gym membership, regular classes at the hippest yoga studio in town, running a few races per month, and the stylish clothes I “needed” to participate in these activities, it was getting out of hand. So I […]


Shin splints are one of the most frustrating things a runner will ever encounter. And chances are, most runners will deal with them at one point or another. In fact, shin splints make up more than 13 percent of all injuries suffered by runners. Since this condition is so common, it makes sense to prepare […]


We often push ourselves through our workouts, encouraged by the mantra “No pain, no gain.” But the truth is that this is a gross oversimplification. Some pains shouldn’t be ignored or worked through because they could be a warning of debilitating injuries. Running, in particular, can come with all sorts of little aches and pains, […]


It can be extremely difficult to stay motivated over the long haul and stick with an exercise program. In fact, the American Council on Exercise (ACE) says that over 50 percent of exercisers quit within the first six months of starting a program. Exercising, just like many other long-term endeavors in life, becomes much more […]


It seems like every week someone in the fitness industry is touting a new magic bullet; some new diet or workout or gizmo that is guaranteed to give you amazing results in no time at all.  It’s understandable, then, that people have become skeptical of this sort of claim. But now comes the ancient kettlebell […]


Whether you’re looking to participate in a charity run/walk, your alumni basketball tournament or annual softball game, training for an athletic event is a great way to stay motivated and bring new life to your treadmill, elliptical and exercise bike training. Signing up for an event (and paying the registration fee) is often more likely […]


You need the right amount of support when you walk, jog or run, especially if you have sensitive knees and joints. This makes cushioning and deck support one of the most important features of a treadmill. By design, it’s common for treadmills to offer superior cushion and shock absorption to running on concrete or asphalt. The treadmill’s […]


It’s no secret that making it to the gym can be tough to fit in, but if you’re skimping on strength training, you’re missing the chance to get the most from your workouts. Strength training reduces your chances of injury, letting you workout more intensely and burn more fat to show off that great looking muscle […]

Nutrition & Diet

We have known for years (decades really) that individuals that are overweight or obese are far more likely to develop Type 2 Diabetes than those that are leaner or “skinny”. Clearly, there is much truth to that statement but some new genetic research has identified a gene known as IRS1 that is linked not only […]

Healthy Recipes

Serving: 4 Ingredients 1 1/4 pounds lean ground turkey breast 1/2 cup chopped roasted red peppers 1/2 cup shredded part- skim mozzarella cheese 1/4 teaspoons salt Freshly ground black pepper 4 whole wheat hamburger buns Directions Separate turkey into 4 equal sized rounds. Make 2 online casino equal sized patties out of each round, so […]

Health & Wellness

There is a dizzying array of home fitness equipment on the market. That’s the good news. The bad news is that you get what you pay for. If you are in the market for fitness equipment for the home, look for equipment that is durable and can be counted on for continued service throughout the […]

Fitness, Nutrition & Diet

Article by: People who are overweight or prone to gaining weight easily sometimes blame a slow metabolism for their bodies not expending calories quickly. But before pointing the finger at your metabolism, you should understand exactly what it is, what affects it and how you can raise it. When most people talk about metabolism, […]